Armstrong Health Care Inc.
Armstrong Health Care Inc.

Armstrong Healthcare Inc. (AHCI) was formed July 2013, a merger between the pharmaceutical subdivision of Armstrong Agencies and Lasco (Barbados) Ltd; a subsidiary of Bryden Pi of Trinidad and Tobago.

AHCI is a pharmaceutical company which represents a wide range of Pharmaceutical, Healthcare, Diagnostic, Dental and Medical Equipment ranges, which are supplied by major pharmaceutical houses internationally renowned.

We offer a superior service as we aim to supply our customers with quality products to address their medical and healthcare needs.

Armstrong Manufacturing Ltd.

Armstrong Manufacturing Ltd. (AML) was formed in 1970 to make Ribena for Beecham (now Glaxo Wellcome). During the 70s, AML expanded and manufactured Lucozade, Vit C and Claytons Kola Tonic all under license from Beecham. As Beecham evolved, through a series of mergers, into a company focused on pharmaceuticals they decided to move production of beverages to China. Fortunately Claytons Kola Tonic (CKT) was a brand that did not figure in their long term plans and AML was able to acquire the trademark in 1993.

AML continues to produce CKT in Barbados for export throughout the Caribbean and into the U.S.A. and Canada. In 2007, CKT was listed by Waitrose in the U.K. and, after being unavailable in the country in which it originated for 14 years, the tables had been turned and Barbados was now exporting to England.

In 2000, AML launched Claytons Kick, a ready to drink version of CKT in a single serve container. Kick initially enjoyed only moderate success but was relaunched in 2007 after extensive research with a new bottle and a new taste and has been a big hit. Renamed Kola Kick, now in a 330ml can, Kola Kick remains a popular choice for an energy drink or as a chaser with alcohol.

Address: One Armstrong Place, Lot 13, Resilience Way, Lower Estate St Michael.

Curacao Laboratories (Barbados) Ltd.

Manufacturing products for local use and for export. Full service importer, distributor, wholesaler, and marketer.

Address: One Armstrong Place, Lot 13, Resilience Way, Lower Estate St Michael.

FBArmstrong Antigua

Full service importer, distributor, wholesaler, and marketer.

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